Turning Defiance into Connection: Practical Strategies for Healing with Your Defiant Child

Turning Defiance into Connection: Practical Strategies for Healing with Your Defiant Child

“…Take a few deep breaths… stay calm… speak softly…” Behaviorist, Therapist, Adoption Expert, and Adult Adoptee, Bryan Post offers these simple yet reassuring strategies (and more!) for those who are parenting kids that come from hard places. Learn about the “how’s and why’s” of defiant behavior, and how parents can respond to help them move towards healing.

Looking at the Teen Brain

Looking at the Teen Brain

Donna Erickson, MA shares about the major brain development and pruning happens in the cortex during adolescence! Read on to see if you recognize some of the common challenges and positives of this stage. Take away some simple strategies to try with your teen!

The Spiral

The Spiral

By: Erin Bouchard Our home doesn’t have air conditioning, so you can often find the Bouchard family hanging out at a local splash pad. One summer, when my kids were about seven and four, we visited a splash pad in our neighboring town.  This splash pad had a giant water tube with a mushroom-shaped sprinkler…