Support foster, adoptive, and at-risk families

The Foster Care Crisis is a community-wide problem requiring a community-wide response.

Our Impact

Help One Child is committed to our unique, holistic approach, serving the full breadth of child welfare from prevention through emancipation or post-adoption. By offering support to the entire family we strengthen and encourage long-term placement stability and health.


Child Beneficiaries


Volunteer Opportunities


Partner Churches over 7 Counties

Get Involved

Your community and church can make a difference.

We provide tools and opportunities for churches to serve families and children in need. The foster care system is vast and complex but with easy on-ramps for volunteers, churches can mobilize their congregations to serve vulnerable families and children.

Watch the HOC overview video

The Need

Foster Care is a community wide problem needing a community wide response.

Everyone can do something.

  • 27.9% Drop out rate for high school foster youth
  • 80% of youth who entered foster care at age 12 or older leave the system through emancipation
  • 40% experience homelessness upon aging out of the foster care system
  • 60% of USA native-born human traffic victims are foster youth

Upcoming Events

The Latest Podcast Episode

“Twice the Family: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Sisterhood,” a Conversation with Julie Ryan McGue, Author and Adult Adoptee 

What is the psychological impact of being adopted? You have a family to rely on, but who are you really? What is your identity and where do you truly belong? Is it with your biological family, adopted family, or both? Julie Ryan McGue, explores the uncovered secrets and challenges of adoptive families in her highly…
LISTEN NOW “Twice the Family: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Sisterhood,” a Conversation with Julie Ryan McGue, Author and Adult Adoptee 

Recent Blog Posts


By Randall A. Ramirez, LCSW, LMFT In a recent article of Developmental Science (November 2024), a large-scale study of infants concluded that, “There is no evidence for innate morality. Children under ten months are not yet capable of distinguishing a good action from a bad one.” This was meant to test a long-held belief among…

Helping Our Teens and Young Adults Launch

By Wendy Witham, LMFT As our foster/adoptive teens turn 18, we look forward to them being able to launch successfully into their adult life.  Launching might involve finishing high school, going to college, getting vocational training, employment, moving to independent living, taking financial responsibility, and practicing good social and life skills. We also hope that…
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