Whole Brain Parenting: The Magic Wand

Whole Brain Parenting: The Magic Wand

Do you ever wish you could wave a magic wand and transform your family? Listen to this month’s just released podcast on “Whole Brain Parenting: The Magic Wand” with Nick Lawrence, MA to get insights about how this approach helps us better understand our own brains to attune to our children. While not magic, it is the transformative work that brings healing and hope!

Nurture Attachment to Help Adopted and Foster Teens and Young Adults Launch

Nurture Attachment to Help Adopted and Foster Teens and Young Adults Launch

The teen and early adult years have unique challenges. Join Wendy Witham, LMFT, as she discusses how healthy attachment prepares foster and adoptive teens and young adults to successfully launch. Witham is not only in private practice, but also serves on the HOC Education Committee often supporting fellow foster/adoptive parents as a blog contributor and parent trainer. Listen in to glean knowledge from her real-life experiences.

How to Help Your Child Develop Positive Habits to Increase Well-Being

How to Help Your Child Develop Positive Habits to Increase Well-Being

Listen to this month’s new Help One Child Podcast Bite Size Encouragement as we start a new year focused on resolutions and positive habits for our children and ourselves! Donna Erickson is a former foster youth, therapist and devoted Foster Parent Trainer and Health Educator for over 30 years. Tune in to learn “How to…

How Our Attachment Experiences Impact How We See and Relate to God

How Our Attachment Experiences Impact How We See and Relate to God

 Listen to this month’s just released podcast episode on “How our attachment experiences impact how we see and relate to God” with Dr. Sarah A. Hill.  Get refreshed on healthy attachment during early childhood and unhealthy attachment when a primary caregiver is not attuned or meeting a child’s needs.  Explore the influence attachment has…