Donation Drives

Raise awareness of foster care in your congregation by hosting a donation drive.

Learn more about donation drives with Help One Child

Meeting the Tangible Needs

Provide your church members with an easy, low-to-no commitment way to love foster children and families.

Giving Tree

Christmas is a very exciting time for every child.

Kids who have experienced childhood trauma and loss often report feeling especially vulnerable, lonely, and sad around the holidays. Memories of past holidays and disruption of routine can make the season difficult for the whole household.

During the holiday season, we partner with churches and organizations to bring Christmas joy to children impacted by the foster care system.

Donors shop for gifts to populate a local Help One Child Santa Shop. Families and case workers are invited to ‘shop’ for their kids. Your participation empowers parents, supports kids, and honors human dignity for everyone involved.

Camper Drive

Every August, Help One Child sends over 65 foster and adopted children to spend the last days of summer learning about God’s love and grace along with other campers who have similar life stories. By providing a fun and safe environment, campers are able to make and strengthen their connections with other campers, counselors, and God.

To ensure that every camper has the opportunity to participate in the many activities offered at Signs of Hope Camp, we partner with churches to provide basic necessities such as toiletries, bathing suits, sweatshirts and towels.

Support a High School Senior

Senior year of high school can be tough and emotional. For high school seniors impacted by foster care, these emotions are amplified by their home circumstances. At the beginning of the pandemic, Help One Child and the SMC ILP (San Mateo County Independent Living Program) identified ways to support and encourage these youth for the final 4 months of high school, up through graduation.

For each of participating youth, a church provides a themed goodie bag and notes of encouragement for the high school senior for all 4 months.


We are happy to collaborate with churches to brainstorm other donation drive opportunities that would collect tangible needs to benefit families such as diaper drives or movie night baskets. 

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