Hope for the Journey Conference -Virtual on Zoom

Virtual CA, United States

GRAB YOUR LUNCH AND JOIN US TO VIEW THE WEB SIMULCAST CONFERENCE 5 MODULES OVER 5 DAYS ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS! 5 Day Series 5/23 -- Module 1-Intro to Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)5/30 -- Module 2-TBRI Connecting Principles6/1 -- Module 3-TBRI Empowering Principles6/3 -- Module 4- TBRI Correcting Principles6/5 --Module 5- Applying Scripture to...


Kid’s Night Out!

Los Gatos Elite 15445 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA, United States

Take a couple of hours to yourself, you deserve it! Grab dinner, run some errands, or just relax. Foster, adoptive, and kinship parents are free to take a night for...

Community Pancake Breakfast

Union Presbyterian Church 858 University Avenue, Los Altos, CA, United States

In partnership with Help One Child, Union Presbyterian Church is hosting a community-wide pancake breakfast gathering to celebrate Independent Day. We will be welcoming the Los Altos Community as well...

Supporting Young Children to Cope, Build Resilience and Heal from Trauma through Play

Virtual CA, United States

(PreK-2 grade age focus) Course Description For children who experience trauma, play is a powerful tool that provides them with a context to transform the experiences that are overwhelming, frightening, and unimaginable into manageable and predictable events that they have control over. In this training, we go deeper in understanding the intersection of trauma and...
