Please read the following instructions and updates:

This year we are hosting a Santa’s Secret Shop in conjunction with our Giving Tree program. Rather than submitting a specific “wish list” on behalf of each child, we are asking for general interests so that families can be invited to do the actual shopping for their children, or, the children in their care. Families will have the opportunity to attend one of the three, FREE “shop’s” being hosted across Sonoma County. Families will have a large selection of toys, clothes, essentials, etc. to select from in designated age groups.

There are three separate churches hosting a Santa’s Secret Shop here in Sonoma County. Once you have determined who will be attending the “shop” (bio parent, foster/adoptive parent or caseworker) and what city that person is located in, you will be notified with a separate email with which location to attend. This information should then be passed along to families if they are the ones who will be attending the shopping experience. Each location will be equipped with a gift wrapping station, treats and refreshments as well as volunteer’s to assist in the shopping experience.

As this is our first year structuring the program like this, we are encouraging families to NOT bring children to this event, if possible. We recognize that for some, that is simply not an option and we don’t want lack of childcare to be the reason families cannot attend. Therefore, each Santa’s Secret Shop location will provide childcare to include: vetted volunteers, arts and crafts.

After completing this form you will receive additional information on:

  • Which Santa’s Secret Shop location to attend for each family
  • Confirmation on the date and time you/families are able to attend the shop

Please submit your gift requests by Monday, November 7th