Felt Safety and Connection Strategies with Our Children from Hard Places

Listen as our expert guest, Erin Bouchard, of Trauma-Based Parenting, shares about felt safety and practical connection strategies to help a child feel and believe they are safe in your home.

Expert Guest Bio:

Erin Bouchard. Author. Speaker. Advocate. Educator.  Erin founded Trauma-Based Parenting because she’s passionate about helping foster and adoptive parents understand early trauma and attachment. Erin Bouchard and her husband, Joel have been foster parents since 2011. They adopted out of the foster care system in 2014. They are kinship, foster, adoptive, and bio parents. Over the years she has learned a lot through their experiences with early trauma. She teaches and educates about connection, attachment, trauma, grief, and loss. Her first book, Trauma-Based Parenting is on the way! Help One Child appreciates her collaboration and contributions with blog articles, video usage permission for support group curriculum, and podcast guest appearances.