Replanted Attendee Survey 2024 Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Which Replanted Conference Simulcast location did you attend?(Required) Palo Alto Santa Rosa Did you benefit from attending the Replanted Simulcast? Very much Somewhat Not at all Did you find the Replanted Conference Simulcast training sessions useful? Very useful Somewhat useful Not at all Did you engage in meaningful connections or conversations with other conference attendees? Yes, often Somewhat Not at all Please share how meeting and connecting with other local attendees has been a benefit to your parenting journey.Did the hospitality, refreshments & space meet your needs/expectations? Did not meet my needs/expectations Somewhat met my needs/expectations Met my needs/expectations Exceeded my needs/expectations Please provide any feedback you would like us to share with the host church and volunteer team.Palo Alto: Which pampering opportunities did you participate in? (please select all that apply) Manicure/Pedicure Nap Room Prayer Meeting Mini Facials Table Massage Caricature Portraits Santa Rosa: Which pampering opportunities did you participate in? (please select all that apply) Massage Make Up Manicures Haircuts and Styling Please provide feedback on the pampering opportunities. Are there any pampering suggestions that you would like to see us add at future conferences?How far did you travel to attend this conference? How big a factor is location and distance, when planning to attend Replanted? Very large factor Somewhat of a factor Not a factor at all How could we have made your overall conference experience better?I would like more information on the following Help One Child resources (please select all that apply) Monthly Parent Trainings Empowered Families Connection Groups Parents’ Night Out and other community respite events Help One Child’s monthly blog and podcast Please share how attending the Replanted Conference Simulcast has benefited or impacted your parenting journey.Can we use any of your feedback as an anonymous quote via print, email, website, or social media to market and get word out about this event in the future? Yes No Δ