We invite you to Help One Child’s annual Increase the Mission fundraiser, where we hope you leave inspired and in awe of what we can do together to strengthen families impacted by foster care and adoption. As we carry this mission forward, your financial contribution will continue to make Help One Child a lifeline to more people in more places around the Bay Area. Please consider inviting your network to join us for the evening.
Join us for delicious food, live music, and a chance to be encouraged by hearing testimonies of how God is working through our programs. (Cocktail Attire Recommended)
Dates & Locations:
May 7, San Francisco: Naked Kitchen (945 Valencia St. San Francisco, CA 94110), from 6:00pm-7:30pm
May 8, Santa Rosa: Sally Tomatoes (1100 Valley House Dr, Rohnert Park, CA 94928), from 6:00pm-7:30pm
May 9, Los Altos: Los Altos Community Center (97 Hillview Ave. Los Altos, CA 94022) in the Grand Oak Room from 6:00pm-7:30pm
East Bay – Details to come!