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March Virtual Monthly Parent Training: Strategies for Navigating Bio Family Relationships

March 4 @ 6:00 pm 8:00 pm


For many of us, when we envisioned becoming a foster and/or adoptive parent, we likely didn’t envision navigating extended biological family relationships. In this workshop we’ll dive into how to be the bridge between our children and their extended family and why it matters so much for our children. 

After this workshop you’ll feel better equipped to navigate extended biological connections and strategies for troubleshooting those relationships. You’ll learn strategies for reintroducing extended biological family members if there currently isn’t a relationship between them and your child.

Learning Outcomes

1. Feel better equipped to navigate extended biological connections.

2. Gain strategies for troubleshooting bio family relationships.

3. Learn strategies for reintroducing extended biological family members if there currently is not a relationship between them and your child.

Trainer Bio:

Erin Bouchard. Author. Speaker. Advocate. Educator.  Erin founded Trauma-Informed Parenting because she’s passionate about helping foster and adoptive parents understand early trauma and attachment. Erin Bouchard and her husband, Joel, have been foster parents since 2011. They adopted out of the foster care system in 2014. They are kinship, foster, adoptive, and bio parents. Over the years Erin has learned a lot through their experiences with early trauma. She teaches and educates about connection, attachment, trauma, grief, and loss. Her first book, Trauma-Informed Parenting is on the way! Help One Child appreciates her collaboration and contributions with blog articles, video usage permission for support group curriculum, and podcast guest appearances.

Online Registration Required for Zoom Link:

Please complete the online form below to register for this virtual training and you’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom joining link by the day of the seminar.

A 2-hour training certificate can be requested after attending and completing the evaluation.


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